Sunday, September 23, 2007

What is Acquisition Marketing ?

Acquisition Marketing is the pursuit of specific activities that result in actions that are are measurable in near-real time, in units that are typically ratio-scaled, and viewable in near-real-time on a web-interface. Typically these actions are performed by "consumers", and so are called consumer responses. The consumers are people who are browsing content or surfing the the web on an IP-Enabled Device (PCs, Mobile Phones, IP-TVs).

What is not acquisition marketing ?

Let me, big Media Buying company, Godzilla and favourite of the Tyrannosaurus Ad-Holding company do a USD 100 million AD-Campaign and build your Brand Affinity

This is not Acquisition Marketing because:

1. No specific consumer response can be measured.
2. If yes, it is typically not a ratio-scaled response.
3. Response cannot be viewed in near-real time on a web-interface.
4. Results are got post facto, typically long after the aperture of actionability has ended.

The above example is representative of the work done by Old-Media broking companies, companies that are Clueless on the way media consumption, media monetization, and consumer-response exchanges are headed.

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